Monday, December 29, 2014

Burning issue 5: Lastly: We are not serious enough making people management the differentiating factor in the workplace

Research and practice from all over the world suggest that poor people management in organizations can lead to covert costs such as decreased productivity, an increase in missed deadlines, mistakes, accidents and high employee turnover  

Burning issue number Four 2015

Burning issue 4: Fourthly: we need to raise the bar of excellence and productivity

Do I still need to emphasize this? 

Burning issue number three 2015

Burning issue 3: We are afraid to have open fierce conversations and don’t know how to disagree but rather attacking each other

  A major concern. We are overlooking the importance and impact of courageous communication in the workplace.

Burning issue Number two for 2015

Burning issue 2: Conflict will escalate

It is very clear that conflict is escalating in our country and workplaces.  

Burning issues Number One for 2015

Burning issue 1: The service excellence in our country is becoming a major concern

It is evident to notice that the service standards are dropping and the reasons often given is that it is due to poor leadership and a lack of accountability. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Where do you start today with leadership development?
Focus on leadership development from the bottom up Far too much money is spent on executive development, and not enough on first- and second-line management. Top leaders have to model the behavior employees want to see. Create an organization that operates on candor, feedback, accountability, and strong personal relationships,

Simple - Strong Message is constantly striving to revisit ways of people management development based on sustainable impact, where the material can be duplicated in or outside the workplace. Strong Message operates on the basic principle that the material has to be Solid … Process based … Real life … Inside out. Strong Message is not a follower but an innovative leader and preferred provider of Character First training and research.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hanteer dinge emosioneel intelligent

Hanteer dinge emosioneel intelligent

Dit is darem lekker as organisasie jou vra om so 40 van hulle personeel deur EQ opleiding te vat. My passie en ek het nou die kursus werklik geniet

Dit is so waar dat organisasie en persoon moet eenvoudig net verantwoordelikheid vat vir sy/haar emosionele selfbestuur en hoe jy op omstandighede of ander mense reageer.

Jy is nie ‘n slagoffer van jou emosies nie. As jy af, negatief, onseker, bang, gestres voel, kan jy iets daaromtrent doen. Kies om anders te dink, verander jou “selfspraak”, of verander net jou gedrag al is dit lynreg teen jou gevoelens in soos om liefdevol, met selfvertroue of goedgemanierd op te tree (- dis nie “fake” om dit te doen nie, want jy kies mos self dat dit die beste is vir jouself en die situasie). 

Leer om jou emosies en jou emosionele ritmes te verstaan (bv. hoe jy soggens, na middagete, of saans voel) en kies self maniere hoe om dit die beste te bestuur. Bron Johan Oostenbrink

Monday, April 21, 2014

Capacity building and training: Who should drive, coordinate and support it?

Another good question! This is such a key issue but in my experience you often get the wrong person driving it.
On-line and webinar coaching: Will this new trend stand the test of time and replace some old paradigms on the way we coach?

All formal training will not solve the problem. 
Burning HR issues 2014

Working with and assisting organisations to formulate an HR strategy is always a highlight for me. This was the case when FNB Namibia asked me to help them with their 2014 HR strategy.
Batho Pele Principles: Dead or Alive: part two

Only 5% of all municipalities across South Africa received clean audits. (Source: Auditor-General Terence Nombembe) In assessing the financial management of the country’s municipalities, Nombembe’s report addresses two crucial failures: a debilitating lack of leadership, and a lack of accountability. This is evident, for example, in the number of municipalities that could not even manage to get their financial records completed on time for auditing. But this sorry state of affairs is unfortunately not a recent phenomenon and raises the deeply troublesome question of why it has been allowed to continue for so long. Neither is it a surprise revelation that local government has persistently been vulnerable to exploitation and corruption. But how does one fix it?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Turnaround Strategy

It is easy to talk about these things, but do we have the muscle for it and where does one start? Will it help when all divisions work seamlessly with HRD? Will it work when we broaden the scope of skills development or address staffing norms and standards for capacity building and competence profiles? What if you have more efficient systems of complaints management?
My suggestion would be to start with the following:
Promoting Organisational Cohesion

Where do you start?
Will spelling out key performance indicators and performance agreements and skills development plans achieve the desired results? What if you do have poorly defined development objectives and performance indicators? 
How do you get a skilled and capable workforce to support a responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system? Where do you start?

Good question. It is easy to say you need to focus and do some capacity building and aligned training, but where do you start? Also, if you do these things, will the impact address the strategic needs and challenges? 

Batho Pele:  Dead or Alive Part One

People do understand that certain principles have to be in place, namely:
  • ·         A high standard of professional ethics
  • ·         Impartial, fair and equitable provision of services without bias
  • ·         Effective use of resources
  • ·         Accountable people who foster transparency
  • ·         Cultivated good human resources managements

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


In a world where the line between corporate governance and ethical leadership has become blurred, it is important to revert to the fundamentals. In the political sphere, good ethical practice has had its ups and downs, but there is a direct link in the practice of ethical leadership and transparent and representative governance. Self-seeking leadership places individual interests above those of society and makes us liable to pursue ill-gotten wealth and fall into the trap of corruption and greed. Self-centred leadership is an indication of unethical leadership that has forgotten its primary responsibility to the electorate, shareholders and ordinary employees. Where do we go from here? If we want to survive as a nation we have to get serious about training in character and governance first principles: principles important to your business as a civil servant, your integrity as a manager of public trust, and to the future of our youth.
When the state of Kaduna, Nigeria asked us to do a workshop, I was puzzled. Why me? Where should one start and what should be the objective and deliverables?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Courageous Authentic Conversations

Courageous Authentic Conversations
The following notes contain material appropriate for passionate leaders who are serious about implementing change, starting with themselves!

The notes are based on a presentation I was asked to do for 200 Personnel Practitioners at the 29th IMPSA (Institute of Municipal Personnel Practitioners) International Conference at Fancourt.

Friday, January 3, 2014


Research and practice from all over the world suggest that poor people management in organisations can lead to covert costs such as decreased productivity, an increase in missed deadlines, mistakes, accidents and high employee turnover. 
Take the assessment. 
Let’s innovate and think outside the box.  
Take “talent mobility” and “career development” seriously.