Sunday, October 7, 2012

“The C3 Concept™: Character, Competence, & Consistency”

career direct from TRUE AFRICA LEADER on Vimeo.

“The C3 Concept™: Character, Competence, & Consistency”

This training lays the foundation for implementing Career Direct and Character First because it explains how C1 (character) problems require C1 solutions…and C2 (competence) problems require C2 solutions. These two factors work together to produce C3 (consistency) at work and in life.

With more than 30,000 types of jobs to choose from, it’s no wonder people make mistakes when choosing a career! Typical examples of such mistakes are to accept the first offer that comes along or to say “yes” just because the salary is enticing or to attempt to live out parents' unfulfilled dreams...

The fact is that people who are doing what they enjoy are more likely to succeed and engaged!
The Career Direct® Guidance System can assist a scholar, student or employee along the path of educational and career fulfilment by gathering a valuable collection of information about the person that he or she can use immediately! It also helps with discovering things about themselves that they never knew and/or to get confirmation about issues they suspected about themselves.

Be sure to attend the last career Direct training for the year in Durbanville 27-29 November 2012.