Monday, October 1, 2012

Re-engineering your workplace, Ken Blanchard

I am back from a Conference in Los Angeles where I did a presentation on the 18 inches towards real transformation from the head to the heart. At the conference I had the opportunity to listen to some outstanding wisdom and legacy leaders of the world. One such session was with Ken Blanchard.
Ken Blanchard is an accomplished speaker, consultant and one of Amazon’s top 25 best-selling authors of all time. As a world-renowned expert in leadership and business, Ken is generally regarded as one of the most insightful, powerful and compassionate men in the business arena today. His best-selling books include The One Minute Manager® (13 million copies sold worldwide) and the trilogy: Raving Fans, Gung Ho!®, and Big Bucks®. His seminal work, Leadership by the Book, has given new meaning to “servant leadership”.

Ken talked about trust as the basis for every relationship and about defining trust busters and trust boosters, as well as rebuilding trust. I personally liked the assessment tool Ken discussed with us that uses 35 statements based on the following:
1, When you demonstrate competence and skill, you are ABLE, which builds trust.
2. When you act with integrity, you are BELIEVABLE, which builds trust.
3. When you care about others, you are CONNECTED, which builds trust.
4. When you remain reliable, you are DEPENDABLE, which builds trust.

To summarise: This must be a self-assessment and team assessment once a year. I would love to demonstrate this tool to you in a Power Hour session with your team.

Mario Denton (MBA, MeCon PhD and Industrial Psychologist). He uses his strong academic and corporate background and his uniquely effective coaching skills to help organisations tap into their potential to make a difference in the workplace. You can contact him at

Feedback from VinPro seminar

Baie dankie vir u praatjie. Ek het baie goeie kommentaar na die tyd van produsente gekry en VinPro word gekomplimenteer op die gedagte om u praatjie in te sluit. Die manne het motivering nodig en kry dit nie aldag op ander terreine nie. As hul saam kuier word daar net gekla - as dit nie die land se mynprobleme is, is dit sportmanne se moord en dan is dit ons onbeholpenheid op die rugbyveld.

Word werklik baie waardeer. Ons sien weer in die toekoms.


Do your wellness inventory

Do your wellness inventory. Check your batteries. Renew you marital vow annually. Be a change embracer.

Preparing for the future: HLE insights with Dr Mario Denton

Healthy Leadership Essentials 39: the future from TRUE AFRICA LEADER on Vimeo.

Healthy Leadership essential video insight with Dr Mario Denton

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Changing communities with character, talk at Vinpro, Malmesbury

Great session today at Malmesbury for Vinpro. My speech include the top three regrets of the dying.... and ideas and keys to changing communities with character.

Contact us to host a communities of character leadership seminar in your town

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