Monday, April 19, 2010

Character First at Clanwilliam

Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga’s announcement that she vowed to cut the "frills" out of outcomes based education (OBE) and get back to teaching the basics in public schools. Sometimes we implement plans despite all good advice, and the mountain of evidence that it was not going to work. Billions of Rands have been spent on it, and the victims have been the children who have had to endure a cumbersome and complicated curriculum with no obvious benefits. OBE has also placed extreme burdens on many teachers.

But where is this coming from. I believe that as parents we have failed to teach our children the fundamental character principles. Just look at the two tables below:

It is through the building of character in our lives that we can reach our full potential.
Building character makes a person not only a better employee, but also a better spouse, parent, neighbor, and citizen. “The strength of a nation lies in the strength of its families.” Ray Nash

Character First! can make a difference in your workplace or sphere of influence.

Leading in turbulent times

I have noticed that the financial crisis has undermined good practices. Command-and-control leaders are back in fashion and companies appear to be condoning it.

The unique, multi-cultural demographic composition of the South African population, commonly referred to as the Rainbow Nation in political circles, has presented numerous pressing contemporary management and leadership challenges.

Kofi Annan, the general secretary of the United Nations, a while back, declared that the greatest challenge to face Africa is one of leadership. The greatest crisis in Africa is not poverty, disease or corruption - but one of leadership. We would like to propose that this is true not only in Africa but also of the world. The answer lies in preparing tomorrow's leaders today. How do we do this in an increasingly “corrupt world”?

Connect people to forward motivation

Leading in turbulent times... from Desmond Denton on Vimeo.