Sunday, December 22, 2013

Parents for life

Whether our children are infants or adults, once we have them, we are parents for life.








A nine-week parenting course that will change your family forever!

Created to make you think and help you resolve problems.

You will learn…
  • ·         How the way you were parented affects how you parent.
  • ·         How to forgive and let go of childhood woundings.
  • ·         How to prevent making the same mistakes with your children.
  • ·         Why a child needs two parents.
  • ·         God’s plan for husband and wife as a parenting team.
  • ·         Why moms can’t be dads and dads can’t be moms.
  • ·         How God uniquely creates each child.
  • ·         What is your child’s personality and giftings.
  • ·         How to best help each of your children develop uniquely.
  • ·         Which comes first, teaching or training.
  • ·         How to train children to obey immediately.
  • ·         Why early training makes a difference throughout life.
  • ·         What is each child’s learning style.
  • ·         How to make learning enjoyable.
  • ·         How parents teach 24/7.
  • ·         How to agree on what discipline is appropriate.
  • ·         How to recognize reactive discipline.
  • ·         How a child’s temperament determines the best discipline.
  • ·         When to begin letting go.
  • ·         Why we are parents for life, not parenting for life.
  • ·         How to co-operate with God’s plan for each of your children.
  • ·         Each parent’s role in developing healthy adults.



  1. ·         How does your boss set out his or her expectations of you in terms of productivity, results, dress, demeanor, and so on?
  2. ·         How does your boss like to receive information (for example, paper memos, email, or face to face)? Are there different situations where he or she has particular preferences?
  3. ·         How does your boss communicate disappointment?
  4. ·         How does your boss give out praise?
  5. ·         Does your boss like information delivered with lots of detail, or big-picture summary?
  6. ·         Does he/she prefer things “by-the-book,” or is there a lot of room for adaptation and innovation?
  7. ·         Does your boss micromanage, or provide too few directions?
  8. ·         How does your boss make decisions? (For example, quickly, on reflection, or with input from everyone on the team?)
  9. ·         How does he/she react to his or her own boss?
  10. ·         How does your boss handle bad news or unexpected events?
  11. ·         In light of your answers to the previous questions, how would you now “manage your boss upwards”?
  12. ·         What areas of friction did you identify? What will you do to minimize that friction?
  13. ·         Describe a recent situation in which you made your boss look good, or made it easy for him or her to manage you. What specific actions did you take to help him or her out that you might be able to repeat in the future?
  14. ·         Describe a situation in which you missed an opportunity to make your boss look good. What actions could you have taken to help him or her out that you can use in the future?
  15. ·         What are two of your boss’s managerial weaknesses?
  16. ·         In what ways can you compensate for your boss’s managerial weaknesses in order to help him or her out?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

New framework and criteria for delivering maximum impact on training and development programs
What is wrong with traditional training and development programs. I believe the following is so true:
·         Focus too much in transferring knowledge
·         Training are often not action oriented
·         Often out of touch with the real world of business
·         Case studies are not real life
·         Most programs are rigid
·         Traditional classroom training are boring
·         Training are still too much functional and not interdisciplinary


It is important to understand what is holding you back in your team as well as what you need to do to deal with those issues? Don’t ignore the past or stop denying it, learn from it. Sometimes teams are trapped in fear of the future and may worry about what comes next and be afraid to change.  Don’t close your mind or let past failures stop you from finishing well.  The race is not over yet. Don’t stay frozen in unhealthy work habits or confuse who you are. You deserve better. Does your part in helping relationships or bad habits become healthy in your team? Don’t be so proud to admit that certain areas of your team are maybe not up to standard. Recognise your human limitations. Quit trying to resolve the issues by yourself. Face the problems and work through it.

We all struggle and we all make mistakes. Many of us are also trapped inside our own walls. Any leader who wants to succeed in his/her private business life needs to do continuous, brutally honest self examination to maintain clarity and balance. Any leader who possesses power is susceptible to becoming so blinded by that power that it can distort perception, not only about self, but also about others. The reality of a situation may therefore be lost to him/her.Throughout the ages, leaders have always succumbed in a lesser or greater degree to the tendency to lose their ability to see themselves and their circumstances realistically. Since it is a leader’s function to lead people towards the vision, and while keeping a clear focus on that vision, it is imperative that the facts are clearly seen as they are. THESE STATEMENTS SO FAR ALSO APPLIES TO ANY EXECUTIVE/ MANAGEMENT TEAM. Not only should each member of the team have a clear, unthreatened understanding of his/her own strengths and weaknesses, the team should also have the courage to view themselves in a brutally honest way. A team that does not know its own strengths and weaknesses is a team in DANGER

Start asking and answering the following questions:

  • What are the challenges that you cannot afford to ignore in your team?
  • What habits are holding you back and tripping your team towards greatness?
  • Are you trapped in fear of the future or afraid of change! What are your fears?
  • Which past hurts are you personally holding on to?
  • When and how have you been disappointed in the team
  • What are you afraid to change in your work team?
  • What are some of the things that you keep doing that you really want to do
  • Are there any “masters” in your life and team that you trying to serve?
  • What habit or hurt or hang-ups in your life or in the team have been keeping you a prisoner? How has this affected your life so far?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Managing Upwards By Understanding the Design of your Boss

It is vital to know how to manage your boss.  

Firstly you have to know what your values are and how it influences your own life, before you can understand the values of your boss.  You cannot understand other people if you do not understand yourself. Most definitely! It is so easy to look at the behavior of others and say; I would have done it differently or if I was in that position I would behave differently – but you cannot say how you would behave until you are in that position.
When you are working with your boss, you have to find the best ground where both your needs are met. 

Monday, February 11, 2013



Dr Mario Denton tesame met Marius Orffer en Johan Van die Merwe so pas begin om HR forum te vestig waarby die HR Bestuurders in die omgewing Upington betrek word.  Die primêre doel van die forum is om sake van belang te bespreek en gedagtes daaroor te wissel.

Dr Mario Denton is gekry om ons te help met die vestiging van so ‘n forum en verskaf die akademiese insette.
Al die HR Bestuurders in die omgewing is genooi en ons glo dat hierdie inisiatief tot groot voordeel van die HR funksie by maatskappye in ons omgewing sal wees. Dit is so belangrik om beste praktyke en praktiese oplossings te gee synde al die veranderings wat plaasvind in die arbeidsmark

Een van die lede het soos volg geantwoord: Dankie Johan. Ek het die HR Forum vanoggend baie leersaam gevind. Ek dink dit is ‘n skitterende idee en glo dit sal ‘n groot bydrae lewer in ons almal se dag tot dag uitdagings. Amanda van Zyl van Kobus Duvenhage

Monday, January 28, 2013

The elder's are potter's and we are the clay

I was compelled to write an article about Anderkant die stilte award winning film. 

After being on set with the Kwela a kyknet program from the South African television channel. 

After five years of developing Anderkant die stilte with the acclaimed leading actors Joey De Koker, Lida and Johan Botha and Andre Rossouw, they are now completed by making news all across the world. The film has been officially selected at various international festivals including San Diego International, PPFF, Cape Winelands –where it was nominated as one of the best South African feature films and it won 4 awards at the Monaco International festival.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Her words embrace my sense of being and with her wisdom I am blessed.

This is about my grandmother whom I appreciate dearly.  She has contributed so much with words of encouragement in my life. She practically raised me up at a very young age, I lived with her while she was working and serving others. Her words embrace my sense of being and with her wisdom I am blessed.

The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home

Lack of character often dictates how we behave.Can a community develop a culture of character that discourages crime? How do we change this around to develop individuals with good character who will have positive impact within the community?